How has life been since October 23? Well, I'll tell you.
First of all, Mike, Alice, and I have been completely blown away by all the love and support we've had. I will never forget walking into school on the morning of Friday, October 23. It was like a celebration! My Meadowbrook family was so happy for us. There was happiness, tears, presents, cards, and so much love. SO. MUCH. LOVE.

My parents got to meet Alice that weekend also. And let's just say there were so many tears of joy! Alice sure does love her Nana and Grandpa!
When they left, I was 100% ready to be a stay at home mom. A few short days later, after lots of crying, I begged my mom to come back for a week. She helped me immensely and got me more settled in a routine.
Alice got to meet Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary a few weeks later. She enjoyed watching football with them!
That brings us to our baby shower. There are no words to describe how loved and special we felt. Even though it's a silly thing to worry about, one thing I was sad about after finding out I'd never get pregnant was that I wouldn't get to have a baby shower. I know! it's so stupid! But, my amazing friends made sure that didn't happen. My wonderful friends, Leigh and Melissa, planned a beautiful Alice in Wonderland themed shower. It was more perfect then I ever could have imagined. And the best part was that Alice got to be a part of it! There were beautiful cupcakes that Amanda made, a fun headband making station that Carissa planned, and all kinds of other wonderful things. Mostly, there was a ton of love! =)

We came back to Gainesville and Alice watched her first Star Wars movie with Aunt Monica. She also went to her first Christmas party with a bunch of her other aunts! Our handbell choir threw us a surprise baby shower a few weeks later. (We thought it was a Christmas party and had forgotten to bring a gift!) So. Much. Love.
A few weeks later, we went back for Christmas and my best friend, Brishelle's baby shower where Alice got to meet Brishelle, Uncle Pat, and Aunt Joan. She loved meeting everyone and can't wait to meet baby Jacob in a few months! She also got to meet my oldest friend, Beckie!
And now, we are here. New Year's Eve. These last few months have felt like a dream. In a few days, we go back to real life...with a baby! I go back to work on Monday and Alice gets to go spend her days with Amanda, Lorelai, and Owen. While I am one hundred percent comfortable with where she will be and who she will be with, leaving her will be hard. Thankfully, I have wonderful friends at school who will be there for me =)
As I said, the word of this year has DEFINITELY been love. As I sit here writing this, Mike, Alice, and Phoebe are all sleeping so soundly. My heart is so full. I can't wait for more love in 2016.
Until next time,
Alice's mommy